A few days ago I started reading the " Night circus" and was so inspired with the idea that I start thinking about hosting a blog party with a night circus theme.
Also at the same time Kim and I started work on some designing that also had a circus theme
and so that was it..
I emailed Kim
and after a bit of arm twisting....
she said YES! she would co - host with me
we cordially invite you
the Moonlight Blog party
under the big top
the date is the weekend of the 29 September
All you need to do is leave you blog name and address on this post
and we will add your name to the side bar
okay now for the rules because we all have to have some rules
1. Place the button for this party on your side bar
2. Spread the word to everyone
3. please don't sign up if you can't participate on the day
4.Have your party posts by the September Friday 28th so our international peeps can start early and if you can leave you post on for a few days that would be wonderful .
5. please add your party links to the comments on the day.
Here some ideas for your circus inspired parties ....
A circus inspired table scrape with clowns and circus animals , your favorite circus food or rides who doesn't love the merry go round.
Circus fashion, jewelry or crafts.
Create your own circus act.......
Recreate your favorite circus movie or book and there's been so good ones
He who gets slapped 1924 |
The circus 1928 |
Dumbo 1941 |
the greatest show on earth 1952 |
Create a piece of circus art or if you live near there are places to go to
This is just one place I found...
or tell us about a child hood memory of going to the circus....
what your favorite sideshow?
or circus animals?
Maybe you have a collection of clowns.
These are just ideas and you can do what you like as long as it about the circus